Ihre Suche ergab 23 Treffer
Gaußscher Bogen 5, 29646 Bispingen
Vom Schwarzlicht-Golf bis zum Labyrinth in 3D: Künstler schaffen mit Sprühdosen ganz besondere Welten. Eine 3D Schwarzlicht Minigolfanlage, Lazer Maze, 3D Trickart, Fotokunst zum Mitmachen, 3D Labyrinth mit Animationen und eine Gaming Area bieten viel Spaß für die ganze Familie.
Am Vogelpark 2b, 29699 Walsrode
With 6 climbing courses Buhl-Activity Climbing Forest Walsrode offers climbing adventure for the whole family.
Bockhorn 1, 29664 Walsrode OT Bockhorn
The only ginseng gardens in Europe at FloraFarm are open to the public from May to September.
An der Bundesstraße 209, 29646 Bispingen
Birds of prey and owls can be experienced at close range on a guided tour through the birds of prey enclosure of Ms. Steinmann-Laage.
Am Safaripark 1, 29693 Hodenhagen
Safari Adventure on more than 220 hectares! You will encounter 1,500 wild and exotic animals – some of them at close range. And you can have plenty of fun at more than 40 fun rides and breathtaking shows.